Are You Considering A Health Care Directive?
Any experienced attorney will tell you that having foresight in your medical care and legal planning is not just advisable, it is the best possible way to protect your wishes should the worst happen. A health care directive names the person in charge of your medical care if you are unable to make decisions for yourself for any reason and gives that person clear guidance on the medical treatment you want to receive.
As a long-standing legal firm, our attorneys serve Georgians with pride. We provide you with the tools you need to make a complete and considerate legal decision. Create a plan for your future, and give yourself and your loved ones peace of mind. Reach our office at 770-450-4480 to schedule an in-person appointment.
Tell Your Loved Ones How To Care For You
One of the most important aspects of your healthcare directive is the instructions you give to your loved ones. Our attorneys can help you establish clear and reliable orders for your health by answering important questions like:
- What surgical interventions are appropriate?
- Do you prefer medication for serious illness or is hospice more suitable?
- Under what circumstances should your loved ones prolong your life?
The directives that you establish will determine your future. You should make them now while you are at full capacity and able to plan well. At Georgia Legacy Law Group, LLC, our attorneys will provide you with aid so that you can trust that your end-of-life plan considers all possible outcomes.
Schedule An Appointment At Our Office
We serve the Atlanta metro area, including Forsyth County and surrounding counties, for a variety of long-term planning needs. Get qualified legal counsel at our office.