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Atlanta Estate Planning Blog

Deciding who your heirs will be if you are childless

Whether you are single or married, if you are living in Georgia and have no children, you need to decide who will inherit your financial assets, real estate, valuables and other significant items when you die. It’s not always an obvious choice when you have no direct...

How can you ensure probate goes quickly?

Probate will take however long it takes. You cannot rush the process but there are several things you can do to ensure there are no unnecessary delays. Some of the factors are out of your control. How organized the deceased was when they created their estate plan...

Don’t let a courtroom victory become a real-world loss

It's naturally devastating when a child suffers serious injuries in a birth-related accident, in a wreck or via some other means. As your child’s parent and protector, you have every right to file a lawsuit on their behalf. Once you win, what do you do with the money?...

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