When you're picking a power of attorney, you may start by thinking about the medical side of things. You want to choose an agent to make your medical decisions for you. You know that you could become incapacitated at a later date, and it's important to know that...
Caring For You In The Long Term
Year: 2022
When might a will be challenged?
Drafting a will is a fundamental component of estate planning. A will can perform several functions but it largely relates to how your assets will be divided upon your death. There are several options when drafting a will, you can even draft one on your own, but this...
Mistakes to avoid when appointing a guardian for your child
No parent wants to imagine a situation where someone else assumes a full parenting role over their child. Unfortunately, life is uncertain. If you have minor children, it is in their best interest (and yours) that you designate a guardian for them in your will. Given...
Now is the time to think about long-term care planning
You are getting older, and it’s a reality that you may need help getting your daily tasks done. You might need help with your cleaning or cooking, or you might need help getting into or out of the shower. In the future, you could need medical support, too. For this...
What documents can an advance directive replace?
Many residents in Georgia want their estate plan to protect them as they age in addition to addressing their property after they die. Including the right documents in your estate plan will give you the most protection possible regardless of what you experienced in...
Can you become your parent’s guardian?
As people age, they may need more help to take care of themselves. If your elderly parent can no longer live independently, you may need to become their guardian. Becoming a guardian is a complex legal process and can depend on several factors. How is guardianship...
3 documents all estate plans need
If you do not already have an estate plan in place, it is wise to do so as soon as possible. Dying without one would complicate life for those you love. Here are three essential documents you will need: An advanced health care directive Hopefully, you will die...
Is estate planning necessary for young adults?
There are many misconceptions in circulation that still prevent people from creating a will and other estate planning documents. One of the most common is that estate planning is only for those who are gravely ill, or at an advanced stage of their lives. This simply...
How you can prevent loved ones from suffering “inheritor’s guilt”
One of the satisfying parts of developing an estate plan is detailing how much money and other assets you’ll be able to leave to loved ones. You’ve worked hard your whole life, but you’ve also had some good fortune. You want to pass that down. If your children are...
3 benefits of adding powers of attorney to an estate plan
Powers of attorney are documents that most people never need. These estate planning forms transfer legal authority for medical or financial matters to another person in the event of someone's future incapacitation. The average individual will need to plan for their...