Do you have an estate plan in place? If you do, congratulations. You are off to a great start. If you do not, it is important that you create one as soon as possible! An estate plan provides peace of mind, ensuring that your future, assets and loved ones are...
Caring For You In The Long Term
Month: November 2021
What are the 3 main parts of a Georgia advance directive?
Addressing your potential medical needs can be a difficult step when planning your estate. Those considering possible future medical needs in Georgia once had to fill out multiple different documents. The state has since streamlined this process by creating an...
What are revocable and irrevocable trusts?
People who are creating an estate plan should think about the best way they can pass their assets down to the heirs they want to have them. For some, the answer to this might be setting up a trust. This often takes away the need to go through the probate process...
Deciding who your heirs will be if you are childless
Whether you are single or married, if you are living in Georgia and have no children, you need to decide who will inherit your financial assets, real estate, valuables and other significant items when you die. It’s not always an obvious choice when you have no direct...